RISE School is recognized by State government. CBSE curriculum is used along with Montessori education to provide a strong base to the children.
At present 225 children study in the School from Pre-KG to 6th standard. The school has 14 teaching, 4 extra-curricular and 8 non-teaching staff, 2 Classroom buildings, 1 administrative block and 3 transport vehicles for children.
Teachers are hired from nearby villages with basic educational qualification and provided extensive training in subject knowledge, teaching methodology, usage of technology and activity based training. RISE School has partnered with AID India, English Learning Foundation (ELF), Pratham Education Foundation and Firki (Teach for India) to provide training to the teachers.
RISE India Trust subsidizes the fee for all the students through income from sustainable agriculture in the campus, donations from founders and well-wishers.